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Zoe Jaeger, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Wisconsin has no regulatory system checking delta-8 and other hemp-derived products for safety and quality.

Although the gummies and vapes are legal, people who use hemp-based products navigate a sea of potentially mislabeled products, risking bad reactions and exposure to contaminants. They also risk testing positive for marijuana on drug tests.

Here is your guide to protecting yourself if you choose to use hemp-derived cannabis.

When you inhale cannabis [as opposed to consuming edibles], those pesticides are going directly into your bloodstream…None of these pesticides are approved for use in inhaled products.

Josh Wurzer, Co-founder and Chief Compliance Officer, SC Labs

Be aware of the potential health threats

Consumers of delta-8 and similar products have reported bad reactions to the Food and Drug Administration and poison control centers across the country. Typical symptoms include…